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Getting Started
Introduction to zenphi
What is a zenphi workspace?
What is a space?
What is a Flow?
What is a Flow Run?
What is a Trigger?
What is a Connection?
What is an Action?
What is a Token Picker?
What is an Action Output?
What are Variables?
What is a Vault?
User roles in zenphi
Browser Support
What types of data can be used in Zenphi?
Collections for Beginners: Making Your Workflow Easier
How To
How to export/import a zenphi flow
Creating a Google Workspace Administration Connection
Attach File(s) to an Email
How to Perform Mail Merge Using Gmail and Google Docs
How to Add a New Row to a Google Sheet
How to Perform Mail Merge using Gmail and Google Sheets
How to Perform Mail Merge using Gmail and HTML template
How to use zenphi Form in your processes?
How to Create a Google Forms Trigger?
How to send a zenphi Form with the pre-filled answers
How to delete previously published Google Forms
How to Authorize New Connections for Zenphi if the Previous User is Offboarded
How To Configure zenphi as a Trusted App in Google Workspace
How to Insert an Action Into a Flow?
Mini Course for zenphi beginners
Lesson 1: Learning the zenphi basics
Lesson 2: Automating your very first process
Lesson 3: Tables & Dashboards
Lesson 4: Creating your first AI model
Lesson 5: Automate the "Contact Us" form for a website with Google Workspace
Flow actions
Artificial Intelligence
Analyze Sentiment
Execute Gmini Generative AI
Process Expense Document
Run AI Model
Run Document OCR
Translation Text
Create Project
Delete Project
Find Project
Control Flow
Break Loop
Concurrency Lock
Foreach item
If Condition
Log to History
Parallel ForEach Item
Set Run Name
Set Variable
State Machine and Change State
Terminate Flow
Switch by Value
Add Label
Create Draft
Create Label
Delete Email Label
Delete Lable
Find Email
Find Label
List Emails
List Labels
Send Email
Google Appsheet
How to Create a Google Appsheet Connection
Create Record
Delete Record
Get Record
Read Records
Update Record
Google Calendar
Add Attendees
Create Event
Delete Attendees
Find Event
Google Chat
Google Contacts
Create Contact
Delete Contact
Delete Contact Photo
List Contacts
Google Directory
Add Alias
Add To Group
Assign License
Create Group
Create Organizational Unit
Create Password
Create Role
Create Role Assignment
Create User
Optional fields
Delete Alias
Delete Group
Delete Group Member
Delete Organizational Unit
Update Group Settings
Delete License
Delete Role
Delete User
Find User
Update User To Admin
Google Docs
Create Document
Export Document
Merge Documents
Replace Placeholders in Document
Google Drive
Copy File
Create Comment
Create Folder
Create Shared Drive
Create Shrotcut
Delete Item
Delete Sharing
Export File
Generate HTML from Template
Find Comment
Find File/Folder
List Files/Folders
Move File/Folder
Rename File/Folder
Save File
Set Drive Visbility
Share File/Folder
Google Sheets
Add Row
Create Spreadsheet
List Rows
Lookup Rows
Update Row
Google Slides
Add Chart to Slide
Delete Slides
Export Google Slides
Merge Slides
Google Storage
Copy Object
Google Tasks
Create Task
Create Task List
List Task Lists
List Tasks
Google Vault
Create Export
Find Export
Google Workspaces
Create Calendar
Create Calendar Event
Create Forwarding Address
Create Gmail Delegate
Create Gmail Filter
Create Gmail Label
Delete All Calendar Events
Delete Calendar
Delete Calendar Event
Delete Forwarding Address
Update Gmail Signature
Base64 Encode/Decode
Convert Json to Object
Convert Xml to Json
Make HTTP Request
Add Time to DateTime
Calculate Date Difference
Change Text Case
Create Text File
Compute Aggregation
Concatenate Text
Convert File to Base64
Convert File Contents to String
Convert Collection to CSV
Convert Base64 to File
Convert to Number
Count Items in Collection
Convert to Unix Time Stamp
Convert Unix Time Stamp to DateTime
Convert to Date/Time
Convert to JSON String
Current Date Time
Concatenate Collection to Text
Execute Script
Extract Substring
Format Number
Find Value with RegEx
Format Date Time
Generate Random Number
Generate GUID
Parse Email Address
Perform Maths Operation
Replace Placeholders
Replace Text
Read Flow Information
Split Text with RegEx
Search Text
Trim Text
Convert HTML to PDF
Convert Image(s) to PDF
List Fields
Fill PDF Form
Add Members
Create Channel
Send Message
Update Channel
Create Card
Delete Card
Update Card
Send SMS with Twillio
User Interaction
Request Data Action
Assign Task
Zenphi Tables
Create Record
Delete Record
Get Record
LookUp Record
Search Records
Update Record
HTTP Trigger
Powered by
Google Chat
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Updated about 10 hours ago