Delete Group


The "Delete group" action allows users to remove a specified Google Group from their organization's Google Directory. It requires a connection to Google Directory and the Group Key (the group's unique identifier) to execute the deletion. This action is useful for automating the removal of outdated or unnecessary groups, helping to keep the directory organized and up to date.


  1. Connection
    This is the connection to your Google Directory account. It allows Zenphi to authenticate and interact with your Google Workspace to manage groups and users.
  2. Group Key
    The Group Key is the unique identifier for the Google Group you want to delete. It specifies which group to remove from the directory and can be found in the Google Admin Console or via the Google Directory API. Providing the correct Group Key is essential to prevent accidental deletions.

Demonstration on how to use it in a flow

  1. Drag and drop "Delete group" action into the flow.
  1. Set the name of your choice or let it be as default.
  2. Click the gear icon to open its settings.

  1. Select the Google Directory connection you've set up in Zenphi. This allows Zenphi to access and interact with your Google Workspace.
  2. Enter the unique Group Key of the Google Group you wish to delete. Ensure you have the correct identifier to avoid accidental deletions.


The "Delete group" action simplifies the management of Google Groups by automating the removal of specified groups from your Google Directory. By following the outlined steps, you can seamlessly integrate this action into your workflow, ensuring efficient organization and upkeep of your directory.