
April Product Updates:

We’re thrilled to introduce our latest product updates for April. Let’s walk through the new actions, enhancements and bug fixes that we have made.

New Actions :

1.Monday : Create Subitem

This action enables us to create a subitem within the Monday platform.

Input :

Output :

2.Monday : Update Subitem

This action enables us to update a subitem within the Monday platform.

Input :

Output : NA

3.Google Workspace Action : List Shared Drives

This action lists the google shared drive which the user has access to. If you are an admin, it shall give you a list of all the shared drives across the domain.

Input :

Output :

4.Google AI: Text Generation

This action helps to generate the text based on the prompt and input given.


Output :

5.Google Workspace : Delete Item

This action allows the user to delete any file or folder for the provided user email id from the google workspace.


Output : NA

6.Monday : Get items by Group



7.Google Drive: List File Labels



8.Google Drive: Remove labels from a file


Output : NA

9.Google Drive: List Labels



10.Google Drive: Add labels to a file


Output : NA

Updated Actions :

1.Salesforce: Read Records V2

Now wherever we have a select list, with that we have provided the token picker to make the filtering capacity more efficient.

Image reference :

2.Translate Text :

Now we have added the option to use the token picker for the Target Language field.

3.Google workspace : add execute as admin to list permissions

Other Enhancements :

1.Now we have introduced search into all the connection list within all the flows and templates.

2.Monday : All action update

3.Assign task email template integration

Users can configure the assign task email template from the settings -> Task Assignments page. Once they publish it there, the new task assignment email will have the same template reflected.

4.In flow run details, if your actions have a cost, you can see that

Bug Fixes :

• Copyright information has been updated into the email templates.
• Previously there was a bug in the system where the action “Share File with User” sends the default sharing notification (A file is shared with you,) while the switch is set to no. Now this has been fixed.
• Drive id was missing in the list file actions, now this has been fixed.
• Request data wasn’t accepting the signature control. Now we have fixed it to accept the signatures.
• HTML to text action was not able to interpret the new lines. This has now been fixed.
• Monday : can't upload PDF file
• Populated drive id changes in all three zones.
• Fixed issues with Google Workspace : List User's Shared Files
• Google Workspace : error on next page token empty. This bug was there for all the actions of google workspace and now we have fixed it.
• Fixed the code for Null source on query collection failing the action.